Friday, January 30, 2009

Friday, January 30th

The Des Moines Register has been doing a series on Education. I'm watching the Iowa Journal on IPTV. Fandel the head researcher for the DMR and Jeffrey the head of Iowa DOE are discussing findings and issues. DMR visited Canada and Finland;links to the Regisiter World Class Schools series are worth exploring. Links to stories, editorials and panel discussions; even a few videos/ You may wish to follow Fandel's blog on this subject. The Iowa Core also has a web site.

What does Iowa need? High expectations for all students. Business support for better education. Jeffrey seems to be using this program to sell the Core Curriculum. Jeffrey is looking to get some of the Core "taught" in extracurricular activities. Alberta seems to be like Iowa - lots of extra activities. In Finland, few extracurricular activities. Finland - rigor very early in school. Clarity of expected results; freedom for teachers on the "how".

Technology enables individualization; learning plan also is (should) very individualized. In Finland, only 10% of applicants get into Education - UNI accepts about 85% of applicants. Jeffrey notes that Iowa will be retiring quite a few teachers, especially in some shortage areas (eg physics). Through this IPTV link you can access the broadcast.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Gone Too Long

Been over a year since I've posted anything on this blog. Tonight my meanderings are re: One Laptop per Child (OLPC) - I loaned my more recent one to a co-teacher (Scott S. @ CC) yesterday. I hope he and his kids can make use of it. I'm excited about the power of these little machines to connect kids to the world and to each other.

But these little machines are foreign to me - like a foreign language . Actual language is Linux - "Sugar" I believe. I'm too much of a PCer and a 2nd gen immigrant. Can get around on MS 97, XP and now learning Vista. I've bought 4 OLPC laptops - 2 donated and 2 now loaned out to folks with more expertise than me. My first one went to kid in Osky Iowa as a HS grad present. He is tech savvy bright kid who was next door neighbor's to my folks. The last one I bought as a result of Scott McLeod demonstrating one at a workshop - I ordered one during the workshop on the first day of the 2 for 1 donate one/get one special in mid November 2008.

Some OLPC links seem to be in order. Try for the organization's home page; watch out - it is basically 4 large icons. For OLPC pictures and videos, this site will help. Wikipedia's OLPC page includes a number of links and external resources. OLPC is the brainchild of an interesting guy from MIT named Negroponte. Check out this wiki page on him; it includes some great interviews and other links on him.