Monday, December 24, 2007

Thing One

Thing 1 - Enjoyed the 7.5 Habits of Lifelong Learning video. (Although my students may not - not very high tech - material good tho') I think I do pretty good on most of the habits. I probably have room to improve in 2 areas. First, I don't all have a focused learning plan. Secondly, I can get very frustrated with technology. I am right now. I installed Office 2007 a few days ago. It is quite different; I can't even save a word doc this PM. Thankfully I did this AM...... I'll work on getting more focused in my learning. I'll also try to get in touch with my frustrations with technology. How can I enjoy the discover? How to enjoy the journey? That is really what I what I want for my students. Maybe it seems like they learn this stuff faster than I. Am I jealous? And if so how does that help me learn (I think not..)?

The 7.5 Habits are part of the "23 Things" Web2.0 training from some library in North Carolina and popularized by the California School Library Association. I've started doing the 10 weeks of lessons to learn the "23 Things".